Hi, I am excited about today’s video tutorial, because I started it one way, then realized that I was using the colors used in a new DSP pack, so I ended up using that, too! Plus, I love the glitter marker that is easy to use and doesn’t leave a mess!! I hope you can see th glitter in the photo below. The glitter marker is called Wink of Stella.

Customers can order from the new annual catalog starting May 2, and most of what I am showing you today is using new colors and stamps in the 2-23-24 Stampin’ Up! annual catalog. See and download the digital version of the 2023-24 annual catalog here: https://lisagoodell.com/newannualcatalog/
View the video Tutorial here.
Get Extra Free Stuff When You Use My Host Code
What’s a Host Code? I’m glad you asked… Please use my current host code to earn free stuff from me as a thank-you for shopping with me, without having to host your own party!
Everyone who orders at least $25, but less than $150 (subtotal) online with my host code gets a reusable hand-stamped card from me. It will be sent to the address you sed on your order at the end of the month.
COMING SOON: I am starting a Host Code Reward Club for the 23-24 catalog year. Instead of being entered into a monthly giveaway, everyone will be able to earn free stuff. More information will be coming soon on that.
Basically, you will keep track of how much you spend using my Host Code. Once you earn 10 points, you can submit the form to me and get free stuff from the catalog of your choice. This Reward Club will go from May 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024. All the details will be available here: https://lisagoodell.com/host-code-perks-2/
Measurements for Tutorial
The Basic White Thick card base (one 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inch piece of cardstock) is folded in half at the 4 1/4 inch mark.
The Pretty Peacock solid color layer is 5 3/8 x 4 1/8 inches.
The DSP layer on the front, and the basic white layer inside are both 5 1/4 x 4 inches.
The pretty peacock leaves were die cut from the pretty peacock layer – just make sure to not die cut too close to the edge.
All stamping was done on one 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inch piece of Basic White cardstock.
I cut the ribbon at 3 inches, but I suggest making it a little longer, around 3 ½ inches.
Some products used in the video tutorial might have been retired by Stampin’ Up! when you see this post. But usually, they have something similar available.
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