I’m starting a new series on Class Discussion Topics to be used for anyone: young students, older students, general ed, special ed, adults, etc.
Teachers can adapt to meet the needs of the classroom.Use the topics to start a class discussion – either whole class, or in small groups. Or maybe pair off students have them discuss it for 30 seconds, then switch partners and discuss again (change the amount of time depending on the age of your class). You can adapt this to be used has a whole lesson, series of lesson, or just as a way to use a few extra minutes at the end of class more productively.
Some topics may be stand-alone or may be part of series of topics under the same theme. To begin, I’ve chosen three discussion topics in the area of Thankfulness. It is November after all, with the Thanksgiving holiday coming up. Being thankful is a lifelong skill that can lead to a happier life! Many people choose to end the end by listing a few things they are thankful for. These topics could help students to cultivate this skill. Below are three different topics on Thankfulness which could be used before or after Thanksgiving, or any time of the year at all!