This week’s podcast episode, “Co-Teaching and Inclusion Strategies,” is a fantastic conversation that will give you many ideas and strategies on how to start collaborating with another teacher in a co-teaching (might also be called inclusion) situation, whether you teach special or general education.
I talked with Jenn Hunter, a special ed teacher from Texas, who has used various inclusion/co-teaching models over the years. She explains six different co-teaching approaches and which one is the hardest but most engaging for both students and teachers. Examples are given on how both teachers can use their gifts effectively in this awesome opportunity to serve students better.
She explains the difference between accommodations and modifications. Accommodations do teach the standards, however, they might change how the standards are taught or assessed. On the other hand, modifications change what is being taught or assessed, typically so that the student is learning standards from a lower grade level. She gives great examples of both.

In addition, she also describes types of students and iep goals within both co-teaching settings and pull-out situations, as well as students on 504 plans in a co-teaching class.
You will appreciate Jenn’s wise advice on how to get off to a great start with a new co-teaching partner, whether you are a general ed or special ed teacher!
Episode 11 Show Notes
Guest: Jenn Hunter

This is my twentieth year teaching Special Education. I started out in Deaf Education, then moved to Resource/Inclusion for 10 years, went back for another year in Deaf Ed, and have been back in Resource with Co-Teaching for the past 2 years. I’ve worked, in some capacity or another, with students across the entire spectrum of abilities, beginning at the age of 13 when I volunteered as a junior counselor at a camp for kids with special needs in the summer. I’ve taught in large urban districts, small rural districts, wealthy districts and districts where the entire campus was Title 1 funded. I’ve also been department chair (on 2 different campuses), a testing coordinator for standardized testing (2 campuses), and was a Teacher of the Year at the campus I spent the longest time at (13 years).
Resources and Links

- Article Jenn shared which explains six types of co-teaching.
- Jenn’s Co-Teaching Questionaire resource
- Jenn’s TeachersPayTeachers store: Mrs Hunter Helps Here
- Jenn’s Pinterest Page
- Lisa’s forms and resources for inclusion and resource teachers
- To sign up for Lisa’s Email List to get free ideas and strategies, use the “Subscribe” sign-up on the right sidebar of the page (or scroll down if using a mobile device).
Podcast Host: Lisa Goodell

Lisa Goodell, M.A., launched the Help for Special Educators podcast on April 1, 2019. She has been teaching for over 25 years, including third grade, resource/inclusion (RSP), and mild/moderate self-contained (SDC). Currently, she is an itinerant orthopedic impairment (OI) specialist/teacher for students birth to 21 years old in all general ed and special ed settings. She has been honored as “Teacher of the Year” at both the elementary and secondary levels.
Lisa has a master’s degree in Special Education and six special ed and general ed teaching credentials. She lives in rural Central California with her family and a bunch of cats. Connect online with Lisa here.
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