I wanted to make a St. Patricks Day card with a shamrock but I didn’t have a dedicated stamp set for this holiday. Maybe it is the same for you. So I had to get creative and think “outside the box.” So I figured that I could use a heart stamp to make shamrocks for St. Patrick’s Day!
All you need to do is stamp three or four hearts with the pointy corner all touching. Then use a marker in the same color to make the stem. I used the heart stamp and punch from Country Floral Lane from Stampin’ Up! but any heart stamp will work.
Here are some tips and tricks shown in the video: Strategies to try when using a punch to punch out stamped images (cut between, add a paper extension), ways to save on DSP, how to use heart stamps to make a shamrock, how to use a strip of DSP to cover up ink mistakes, and maybe more (but that is what I can remember).
I also use some mountainscape Designer Series Paper (DSP) for a great Irish hills background!

See the video here: https://youtu.be/Dp-Kym6ox5w
This technique can also save the day for any students not wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day at school. (I think this is not as much of a thing nowadays as it was when I was growing up, but I never wanted my students to get pinched for not wearing green).
So I would go outside on the playground before school and either use a little heart stamp to make a shamrock on a child’s arm, or I would pre-stamp shamrocks on construction paper and pin them on their shirts.
Scroll down for measurements and the supply list.
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Everyone who orders at least $25, but less than $150 (subtotal) online with my host code gets a reusable hand-stamped card from me. It will be sent to the address you sed on your order at the end of the month.
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Measurements for Shamrock Card
Thick Basic White card base (one 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inch piece of cardstock) is folded in half at the 4 1/4 inch mark.
The orange layer is actually 1/2 inch stripes mounted around the edge of the front, to save on DSP (An extra strip of this was used on the inside.
The mountainscape layer is 5 1/4 by 4 inches.
An extra piece of 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 Basic White cardstock was used to do all the stamping for both the outside and inside of the card.
Inside: The top Basic White layer is 5 1/4 x 4 inches.
Supplies for Shamrock Card
Non-Stampin’ Up! materials used to make shamrock card: Post-It Labeling and Cover-up Tape, baby wipes, paper towel, and a thin, white Posca marker.
Some products used might have been retired by Stampin’ Up! when you see this post. But usually, they have something similar available.
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