This is Part 2 of my conversation with Kaylene Durbin, a college student who is just starting her credential program. Today we revisit the questions she asked last time. Not only will I attempt to answer them, but I got help from other special educators online, and some have been past guests on the show! Listen in as we answer questions that aspiring or new teachers might have. (Note that part one of this conversation is called, “New Special Ed Teacher Questions” and was episode 13).
I would love for this to be an ongoing series. So new teachers, please join the Facebook group and ask questions that you have. Then when I gather enough material, we can do an additional show on the topic.
Fall 2021 Update: Kaylene has completed the credential program and is starting her first year of teaching… She ended up getting a job in a special ed self-contained classroom. Congrats, Kaylene!!
Episode Show Notes
Questions Answered
- Besides learning classroom management, what are other benefits of teaching general ed a few years before becoming a special educator?
- What are for working with a student with ED (Emotional Disturbance) who might be in your class?
- What accommodations are the hardest to implement?
- Why do sped teachers say that paperwork the hardest?
- What is some general advice for new teachers, or for college students pursuing a teaching credential?
Guest: Kaylene Durbin

Hi there! I’m Kaylene Durbin and I’m almost a teacher! I am finishing my undergraduate degree in Liberal Studies at Fresno State and will then begin the DUAL credential program (which included both Multiple Subjects and Special Education credentials). I currently work for California Teaching Fellows Foundation (CTFF) which gives me the opportunity to work inside a general education classroom.
I’ve had a passion for working with children since I was 12 years old. In my undergraduate program, I was required to observe in a special ed classroom and it was there that I fell in love with the environment and the students. I want to become a special educator so I can help students find success both academically and socially.
Links and Resources
- Listen to Part 1 of this conversation here
- Zones of Regulation Program
- Here are Lisa’s podcast episodes that go into more detail on Functional Behavior Analysis (FBA) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP): Episode 5: How to Support Students with Behavior Plans and Episode 7: Talk Data to Me
- Teachers Need Teachers Podcast, hosted by Kim Lepre. You might be interested in listening to Episode 71: Giving advice for new elementary teachers (not sped, but most of the tips work for both).
- Closed Special Ed Teacher group on Facebook: Sped Ahead
- Check out Lisa’s new special ed teacher resources in her TpT Store (including freebies)
- Check out Lisa’s blog, which has lots of articles which would interest new special ed teachers, both resource or self-contained, etc.)
- To sign up for Lisa’s Email List to get free ideas and strategies, use the “Subscribe” sign-up on the right sidebar of the page (or scroll down if using a mobile device).
Special Thanks
I want to thank those who helped answer Kaylene’s questions. I have provided links for those who requested it (if I don’t have your link listed, send it to me and I will add it).
- Jenn Hunter (guest on Episode 11) of Mrs Hunter Helps Here
- Colleen Vagnozzi
- Tiffany Manha (guest on Episode 1)
- Heather Alexander Ayers
- Kim Lepre, Host of Teachers Need Teachers Podcast
- Sarah Magallano of Sarahs STEAMers
- Heather Satterberg
- Mary Fanning
- Traci Bender of The Bender Bunch
Host: Lisa Goodell

Lisa Goodell, M.A., launched the “Help for Special Educators” Podcast on April 1, 2019. She has taught for over 24 years, including third grade, resource/inclusion (RSP), and mild/moderate self-contained (SDC). Currently, she is an itinerant orthopedic impairment (OI) specialist/teacher for students birth to 21 years old in all general ed and special ed settings.
Lisa has a master’s degree in special education and six special ed and general ed teaching credentials. She has been honored as “Teacher of the Year” at both the elementary (2014) and secondary level (1994). She lives in rural Central California with her family and a bunch of cats. Connect with Lisa here. You can also get more information by listening to the beginning of Episode 1.