Part 3 of the Series: Self-Contained Schedules
Today we are going to finish our Self-Contained Schedule series with Part 3, which is about schedules and special ed lesson planning in a self-contained or functional skills class. I continue the discussion from last week on station rotations by extending it to a new schedule/lesson plan overview I use for myself and my two teaching assistants. I guess you could call it a weekly adult schedule. This is a short one-page schedule that has a schedule for each adult in class. It tells what topic/subject each person will be teaching. After printing it out, I would sometimes add in things by hand, such as page numbers when using a textbook.
Next, I talk about how to use the General Schedule from Episodes 8 and 9 to develop your lesson plans when you have a substitute. I share one sample schedule for the sub. In this discussion, I also talk about inclusion, PE with multi-grades and more!

Finally, I address the most common question I get, which is what do you teach all day? What do your paraprofessionals teach all day? Well, the lessons we taught came from all kinds of sources. So I list all types of activities we did in our groups throughout the day. You will find links to many of them below. (If you find a link that I couldn’t find, please let me know in the comments. I want to give credit to all!) I will also link to the original blog post which has even more links.
This podcast will make more sense if you can see the schedules so keep scrolling down to see them. I hope you enjoyed this series on schedule in a self-contained classroom.
Click here to get the packet with handouts on all three episodes. They include all the schedules discussed in the podcast series.
However, if you would rather not create your own from scratch, you might be interested in purchasing all the schedules in this series plus 10 more. This popular resource has 16 total schedules in it. They are all MSWord documents, but I have opened them all in Google Docs as well. So you can open them up, and cut/paste all your own information. It is a great time saver!
Episode 10 Show Notes
Click here to get the packet with handouts on all three episodes in this series. They include all the schedules discussed in this episode.
Resources and Links
- To sign up for Lisa’s Email List to get free ideas and strategies, use the “Subscribe” sign-up on the right sidebar of the page (or scroll down if using a mobile device).
- Lisa’s Editable Daily Schedules resource. Sixteen schedules are included in MS Word docs. They can also be opened in Google Docs.
- Science Experiments from The Bender Bunch
- Reading Mastery
- TouchMath
- Calendar/morning meeting/personal data sheets from The Autism Helper
- Handwriting Without Tears
- Leveled Daily Work Bundle from The Autism Helper
- GoNoodle
- Unique Learning System
- Lisa’s Independent Work Task Pinterest Page
- Lisa on Instagram

Podcast Host: Lisa Goodell

Lisa Goodell, M.A., launched the Help for Special Educators podcast on April 1, 2019. She has been teaching for over 25 years, including third grade, resource/inclusion (RSP), and mild/moderate self-contained (SDC). Currently, she is an itinerant orthopedic impairment (OI) specialist/teacher for students birth to 21 years old in all general ed and special ed settings. She has been honored as “Teacher of the Year” at both the elementary and secondary levels. Lisa has a masters degree in Special Education and six special ed and general ed teaching credentials. She lives in rural Central California with her family and a bunch of cats. Connect online with Lisa here.