
Small Math Flashcards to Save on Paper and Copies!!

March 1, 2018 3 min read

Would you love it if you could give your students two sets of flashcards? It is great to have students keep one set in their pencil boxes and take one set to keep at home (or in their backpack).

You might think that having each kid keep their own set in their desk isn’t needed, however, even if you have a 1:1 classroom there will be times when the Internet goes offline. If that happens in the middle of a lesson that you can’t do without the Internet, you will be stressed trying to figure out what your students can do while you go to Plan B. So when that happens (or any other interruption) you can train kids to just get out their flashcards and practice with someone seated next to them.

Save Money and Paper

You might think it will take too much paper or cost too much to make all those copies, especially if you have 20 or more students. (I know always had limits on how many copies I could make in the office, so making all those copies would use up my allotment). So when I was in that situation, made my own set, only I made the flashcards smaller, with more problems on the page than normal flashcards. Check out the photo below where I am holding one of the flashcards, so you can see how small they are!

They are Really Tiny!

I figured they didn’t need to be too big because they were just for a student to use on their one or just with one other person. I also didn’t think there needed to be a big blank spot for the answer – which is never written on the front of a flashcard. So I mostly deleted that part to save additional space.

My small flashcards print 20 flashcards to a page! The numbers are big enough for kids to read and show each other. (but don’t try to use them with a large group). What is the best, however, is when you make one set per child, it automatically gives them two sets – one for home and one for school!

They Come in Two Fonts

I created my flashcards in two different fonts. The first one is with dots, so kids who need it can count the dots and circles.  The other set uses the generic “Calibri” font. The set with dots and circles will be good for younger students or those with special needs. The Calibri set can be used with all.

Addition, Subtraction & Multiplication

My small flashcards are also available in subtraction and multiplication, and they are the same size as the addition flashcard I am holding in the photo.

Additional Free and Paid Resources

If you think these flashcards with the counting dots font might be something you can use in your classroom, then you might also like my other Counting Pictures and Dots math resources, which helps kids to go from counting objects to adding sums to 18. Especially helpful are my Counting Pictures and Dots math packets (Currently, they come in Part 1, Part 2, digital task cards and seasonal worksheet packets). See all the resources in my TpT Store here. Additionally, you can get a free sample of the addition packets by signing up for my newsletter below!



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