
Make what kind of Noises???

March 31, 2013 2 min read
Right before Spring break I had been introducing WBT classroom rules in my class. Using WBT (see end of my post for more info) techniques, you add gestures to everything you teach in order to help kids remember, and it makes it more fun, too.  Later in the week my students were wanting to show off how they had memorized the classroom rules and gestures. Well, many of my kiddos have trouble saying all their letter sounds due to speech impairments so at times it is hard to understand them.  The funniest one that made us adults have to hide our smiles was when the child said, “Rule #4: Make fart choices.”  (Which if you aren’t listening carefully sounds a lot like “make fart noises.”)  Fortunately, none of the other kids were listening, so no one got made fun of!!    So can you figure out what the rule is supposed to be??  
Please go to the Whole Brain Teaching website at  All the workshops are free so some teachers from my district have been going whenever one is given within 6 hours of where we are. I’d been hearing about how much fun and helpful they are so I decided I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, and see if any concepts could be adapted to my special day class.  Chris Biffle, the founder, is amazing – he gives a fast-paced all day free seminar that is relevant, fun and gives you tools you can literally use the next day.  All their materials are all free on their website and there a lot of videos on You Tube as well.  Go check it out!!

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