This week’s card tutorial has a lot of stamping, using many new ink colors! I used quite a few stamp sets as well. In the video, I explain how I stamped this “You’re too kind” thank you card, to give it a collage or one-sheet wonder look. However, I didn’t create a true one-sheet wonder since I didn’t stamp everything on a larger piece of cardstock and then cut it down to card size. (I will do that in a future video).
My purpose for this card tutorial was to experiment with and mix and match different stamp sets using new colors to create a floral card. This a good strategy if you are wanting to experiment with how to make a one sheet wonder before making a full sheet of it.
I call it a mish-mash card because I used so many sets to add interest via different styles, lettering and dies.
I also like how the Wink Of Stella glitter shows up on the darker parts of the card (such as on the letters).

Watch the Video for this Card Tutorial Here
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What’s a Host Code? I’m glad you asked… Please use my current host code to earn free stuff from me as a thank-you for shopping with me, without having to host your own party! Get the current code here.
Everyone who orders at least $25, but less than $150 (subtotal) online with my host code gets a reusable hand-stamped card from me. It will be sent to the address you sed on your order at the end of the month.
COMING SOON: I am starting a Host Code Reward Club for the 23-24 catalog year. Instead of being entered into a monthly giveaway, everyone will be able to earn free stuff. More information will be coming soon on that.
Basically, you will keep track of how much you spend using my Host Code. Once you earn 10 points, you can submit the form to me and get free stuff from the catalog of your choice. This Reward Club will go from May 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024. All the details will be available here:
Measurements for Card Tutorial
The top layer that I stamped on started out at about 5 1/2 x 4 1/4 inches. Later it was trimmed down to 5 1/4 x 4 inches.
The Boho Blue layer is 4 1/8 x 5 3/8 inches.
The Basic White Thick card base (one 8 1/2 x 4 1/4 inch piece of cardstock) is folded/scored in half at the 4 1/4 inch mark.
The basic white layer on the inside is 5 1/4 x 4 inches.
Some products used might have been retired by Stampin’ Up! when you see this post. But usually, they have something similar available.
Click here to watch the video of the card tutorial.
Link to my Press’nSeal tutorial video.
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Images (c) Stampin’ Up!